Resurrection Hope
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: so shall we ever be with the Lord" (1 Thess. 4:16-17).
It was "very early in the morning" while "it was yet dark," that Jesus rose from the dead. Not the sun, but only the morning-star shone upon His opening tomb. The shadows had not fled, the citizens of Jerusalem had not awaked. It was still night--the hour of sleep and darkness, when He arose. Nor did his rising break the slumbers of the city. So shall it be "very early in the morning while it is yet dark," and when nought but the morning-star is shining, that Christ's body, the Church, shall arise. Like Him, His saints shall awake when the children of the night and darkness are still sleeping their sleep of death. In their arising they disturb no one. The world hears not the voice that summons them. As Jesus laid them quietly to rest, each in his own still tomb, like children in the arms of their mother; so, as quietly, as gently, shall He awake them when the hour arrives. To them come the quickening words, "Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust" (Isa. 26:19). Into their tomb the earliest ray of glory finds its way. They drink in the first gleams of morning, while as yet the eastern clouds give but the faintest signs of the uprising. Its genial fragrance, its soothing stillness, its bracing freshness, its sweet loneliness, its quiet purity, all so solemn and yet so full of hope, these are theirs.
Oh, the contrast between these things and the dark night through which they have passed! Oh, the contrast between these things and the grave from which they have sprung! And as they shake off the encumbering turf, flinging mortality aside, and rising, in glorified bodies, to meet their Lord in the air, they are lighted and guided upward, along the untrodden pathway, by the beams of that Star of the morning, which, like the Star of Bethlehem, conducts them to the presence of the King. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." --Horatius Bonar
"While the hosts cry Hosanna, from heaven descending,
With glorified saints and the angels attending,
With grace on His brow, like, a halo of glory,
Will Jesus receive His own."
With glorified saints and the angels attending,
With grace on His brow, like, a halo of glory,
Will Jesus receive His own."
"Even so, come quickly."
A soldier said, "When I die do not sound taps over my grave, but reveille acute; the morning call, the summons to rise."From "Streams in the Desert" compiled by Mrs. Charles Cowan
I so look forward to the day when we shall be caught up in the clouds to meet our Savior face to face! To ponder looking in the eyes of my Lord Jesus quickens my heart and delights my soul! It makes the hard days more bearable and the happy days more joyous when I think about meeting my Lord, face to face!

My week in review: It was a busy week full of Christmas preparations. I did spend some quality and quantity time with my family this week, too, watching Christmas shows and movies; baking cookies and candies with them; and just talking and being together. Family is what makes the Christmas season so special and I want to make sure I remember that as I sometimes get caught up in the hustle and bustle.
We had horrible, cold, rainy weather all week. Since we live on dirt roads, that meant I was house-bound for much of the week. I love being home and not being able to get out is just fine with me. I suppose if it went on and on, I wouldn't find it so wonderful, but we rarely get these horrible weather conditions, so I just relax and enjoy the weather for what it is. I have to admit, though, I am definitely a sun-shine kind of girl! I didn't used to be, but the older I get (and the more arthritis I get) the more I find I want that sun to shine!
I finished decorating (finally!) and just have a few areas that I want to really clean up before Christmas is here and so is company. We will be having my in-laws and my sister and her husband here. I'm so looking forward to that! It's very rare that I get to spend the holidays with my sister and this year we will have had Thanksgiving and Christmas together! Praise God!
I mailed out my Christmas cards and finished up crocheting booties for my nephew and his wife for their foster babies. It's fun to have babies to crochet for again and I really enjoy it. I also finished my son's Christmas stocking and am starting on my other son's. It won't be ready for this Christmas, obviously, but it will be ready for next year.
It was a lovely week and I'm really looking forward to this Christmas. It's been a year full of blessings and I am very thankful.

I am SO not ready for Christmas! I still have shopping to do (2-3 stores yet) and then the house to get ready for 20 people on Wednesday and 10 on Thursday. Yeesh!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful Devotional. Thank You.
If I don't "talk to you" before Christmas, Have a Blessed one!!!!
Hey you can join me and Winona in making the Harvest Sky. Any colors would do...they don't have to be fall colors. We are going to start after the New Year and do different sections every month for 6 should not take longer than that I would hope! It is a very easy top to piece. If you are interested, let me know! The pattern is only $8 including shipping. SHe gets it to you FAST!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your thoughts about my knee. I have been resting it...I do have arthritis in my neck and lower I am sure it is in my knee. I can walk up and down the steps a bit better today so I think I am on the right track. I feel your pain and I am sure it is nothing like what you are going through. It is so frustrating though, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteOkay, so a while back ago you mentioned that on Christmas you eat finger foods...that is so what I want to do cough up some recipes dear friend or just give me some ideas so I don't have to fuss all day in the kitchen.
You are such a blessing to me!