I am finished with my stress tests - thank goodness! Monday I went in and had the chemical stress test. It wasn't horrible and I'm glad I went ahead and did it. I can't do the treadmill test because of my poor, wittle knees. The guy who put the IV in was very good - but my veins being what they are, didn't hold the IV in two of them and he finally had to do a third. I looked like a pin cushion when I left there. Tuesday I had to have another shot and, do you know, to make my life exciting, the tech had to give me the shot in the underside of my wrist in one of the veins? Oh my. I can't really explain the pain except to say I had a bite mark on my other hand from biting myself so I wouldn't scream or jerk away. All my other "good" veins were "blown" and couldn't be used. Suffice to say, I did survive, and since I haven't had a frantic call from my Cardiologist telling me to get in there, I think I can assume that I don't have any major problems.
I had the most wonderful phone call today. Honestly - it made my day, month, and year - all rolled into one. I am in charge of the graduation for my homeschool group this year and I had a homeschool Mom call me to let me know about her daughter being in the graduation. Eventually the conversation moved to my articles I write for the homeschool newsletter. She told me she loves my articles (I love hearing this and am humbled every time) and especially was touched by this months article entitled, "God's Valentine". She said when she received my the newsletter she had been having some "family issues" in her house (we all do at times!) and that she whipped out my article to share with her hubby, whom she was having some words with, and they were both able to laugh and rejoice in each other after reading my article. Oh, my. Can I just tell you here that it is totally NOT me - but the Lord, Jesus Christ, that gives me the words to say in my articles and in all my writings? When she shared this with me, I just had to thank the Lord for showing me, once again, that He wants me to write! He is using me to share HIS Word with others and I need to continue to do more! I am SO humbled that something I wrote touched a family so deeply. I can't even express how really humble I am.
I try to post my article on my website, however, I'm revamping my website and don't have the last couple of months articles up. As soon as I can I will put this particular article up on my website. I know the Lord is showing us all how much He loves us and how much He wants us to love others. We truly are "God's Valentine's".
I've been sewing up a storm this week. I went to JoAnn's Fabrics when they were having their huge 1/2 sale on fabric. I got some beautiful cotton fabrics for quilting (are you reading this, Bren? You know I needed more fabric like a hole in the head. LOL) and then some really cute flannels for some baby projects I'm making. I have SO enjoyed sewing again! I am supposed to be cutting out my pieces for a quilt I'm making (you know which one, Bren!), but haven't done it yet! *sigh* I really, really need to do that tomorrow so I can start working on this new quilt. When I was at JoAnn's they had some really neat musical prints. I have been collecting musical prints for a quilt I want to make my oldest son who is majoring in music in college. I have enough now to make it - so no excuses! I couldn't believe all the people in JoAnn's the day I went! Of course, with so many fabrics at 1/2 off and the Simplicity patterns at 99 cents, I'm not surprised. I'm seeing a lot more people in the craft and fabric stores these days because it really is cheaper to make things than to buy them. Plus, I think people are turning more to home in these tough economical times.
Hubby and I have been discussing what we want to do for Valentines Day this year. The past three Valentines have been tough because either I had just had surgery or he had. This year will be very special because we are both okay! We won't do anything expensive (who can afford it?) but we do want to do something special. I am making him a wonderful Valentine book that will documentate our wonderful 27 years together. He is a real softy and loves getting mushy things like that. lol I'm so glad he's that way!
We had a scare in my family last week. My brother-in-law had been having headaches and dizzy spells for quite a while. Normally, he probably wouldn't have thought much about it, but his mother died last year of brain cancer. So, he talked to his doctor about getting an MRI - for peace of mind - if nothing else. They did the MRI and found a mass. Immediately we started praying it wasn't cancer. They did another MRI with dye and have determined it isn't cancer! Praise God! However, he will have to have surgery, more than likely. I told my sister about the Barrow's Institute that is only 2 hours from her home (and mine!) and about the Neurosurgeon that I consulted for my back. Of course, they are the best. She was really concerned that her insurance wouldn't let her go there, but they will! Again, we are praising the Lord! We would so appreciate your prayers for my brother-in-law. We are also praying for his salvation - which is even more important. If you think of it, would you pray for Larry?
God bless you - as always.
Read my latest e-mail before cutting any fabric.
ReplyDeleteWhere are the pics of that fabric?
So glad you are ok!!