Monday, March 25, 2013

Counting Our Blessings - Link Up!

The Lord is the giver of all good things. He has blessed me beyond measure and I'm sure He has you, too. I love taking this time to stop and thank the Lord. Sometimes it's so easy to just look at the difficulties, but looking at the blessings is what makes life worthwhile!

Here's my blessings for this week:

46. I had two Bible studies last week and was so incredibly blessed at both of them. It's such a joy to share the Word of God with these ladies that love the Lord so much.

47. I came home with a sore throat after my Friday night Bible study. I was very concerned that it was going to develop into the flu, but thankfully, it didn't. I was able to rest over the weekend and feel much better now!

48. I finally got the phone call about my knee shot! I can't get it until the middle of April, which is kind of a bummer, but at least I finally am going to get it! Huge blessing!

49. I had something confirmed to me this week about a situation I had been leery of. I felt so blessed that the Holy Spirit was warning me and giving me wisdom about this whole thing. That's always such a relief to know that you are following the Lord and His leading.

50. My biggest blessing is that I'm seeing the Lord work in my life so much. It's a relief to see some of the things I've wanted to change being changed by the Lord! He is truly blessing me!

Now it's your turn! Share your own blessings on the linky below!
Blessings - Julie


  1. Hi Julie, this link up has encouraged me to blog about how you have inspired me. You were mentioned in Showers of Blessings @ Thank you!

  2. Hi Julie. I am not having a good week with pain so far. I hope your pain is low. I wanted to ask you about the shot you get in your SI joint? What would that be?


Please leave me a message! I love hearing what you have to say and look forward to your comments.