Wednesday, January 3, 2018

60's and 70's Music!

Join me at 5:00 PM mountain time (6:00 central) for my radio show - Dion to Disco! I will be playing all the fun music from the 60's and 70's. My show runs from 5-8 pm mountain time. 

You can listen at GW-EN.COM and I have found IE works best for me. You'll click on the "Listen With Your Own Player" at the top right. Windows Media Player works for me, but I know the other players also work for other listeners. 

I'll see you on the radio!

**Please note** This radio station does not just play my music but plays a wide variety of music - some of which I do NOT condone. So, if I'm not on air, I want you to listen with caution as the auto-player will play all sorts of things that you may find objectional. 

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