Monday, January 15, 2018

Counting Our Blessings Linkup!

Personally, I have to stop and count my blessings. Life can be so difficult if all I focus on is the negative, hard things in life. Thinking about all the big and little things that God blesses me with, frankly, keeps me sane! That's a good thing.

10.  I've been doing my Scripture writing diligently. I have found this really helps me in my quiet time to focus on one passage of Scripture, meditate on it, and understand it more deeply. Here are some pages from last weeks writings.

You can click on the pictures to make them large enough to read. If you're interested in joining me in Scripture Writing, you can find my January list HERE.

I have been asked how I do this and the main thing for me is to write the Scripture out but on the side, I write out what the Scripture is telling me. This helps me to make the Scripture clear in my heart and to remember it.

11. My hand has gotten so much better and I've been stitching on my Celtic Santa - Wales.

Here's a picture of my stitching so far

I haven't stitched on perforated paper for years but I'm really enjoying this! The paper is a better quality and stronger than the paper I used to stitch on - oh so many years ago! 😉 It's working up fast, too!

By the way, I found out my hand pain is not from stitching but from holding my phone! My phone is a larger one and it's hard for me to hold it for very long without pain. Evidently, this is very hard on the tendons in the hand so I got these to put on the back of my phone and what a difference!

I use the ring on my finger to hold my phone and it takes the pressure off of my hand. I also love that it has the clips to hang my phone in my car or wherever I want. I'm just so happy I can stitch again!

What are your blessings? Please share on the linky below!

Blessings - Julie

1 comment:

  1. Your stitching is coming along great Julie. I am going for the second opinion today.


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