Monday, January 22, 2018

Counting Our Blessings Linkup!

How was your week? I hope you had a wonderful week, however, either way, I know we can find blessings from each day. My week wasn't too bad except I've been extremely tired. Still recuperating from my surgery, is what I'm thinking. I didn't get as many things done as I had hoped, but I'm focusing on the positive blessings so let's get started!

12.  We had a little moisture here with a little rain and some snow. I'm not a huge fan of snow but it was so good to have some after such a dry period here. Of course, the sun is back out and all is dry but at least we did have a little precipitation.

13.  I always used to set up a notebook that had all the things I wanted to have handy for my Bible study or my homeschooling, when I still homeschooled. I haven't set one up for a few years but was inspired by Amy Hale to do so again this year. I loved the different sections that she has in hers because I also am focused on my Bible study and my ministry, just as she is.

I'm so excited to have a notebook again that will have everything at my fingertips. So many times I will think of something that I want to document for my book I'm writing and I'll write it on a scrap of paper or in my phone. I like having a place for all these ideas in my notebook. I'm very much focused on my ministry at this point in my life as I feel God has called me to do the online Bible studies that I have done and will continue to do once I'm past this latest health situation and my next surgery.

So here's a picture of my notebook tabs...

They are:

1. Quiet Time
2. Bible Study
3. Prayer
4. My Ministry
5. Message Ideas
6. Writing Ideas
7. Future Studies
8.  *blank*

I am leaving the 8th tab blank for now to see what I will need. By the way, these are Write On tabs and I used permanent markers. If you make a mistake or you want to change it, did you know alcohol will take the marker off? Isn't that great? So you don't have to panic if you need to change it.

I highly recommend following Amy on Instagram. You will learn so much from her and she will inspire you to grow closer to the Lord.

14.  I'm still consistently doing my Scripture Writing and enjoying this as part of my quiet time so much! I'm able to meditate on each one as I write it out for the day. Here's last week's Scripture pages.

Remember you can grab my list of January Scripture HERE if you would like to join in. It's never too late!

15.  I did work on my Celtic Santa this week. I didn't get to stitch as much as I would have liked because I was so tired all week but here's a picture of my stitching so far

When I'm done, it will look like this

My stitching is certainly a blessing in my life!!

Now you can share your own blessings on the linkup below!

Blessings - Julie

1 comment:

  1. I love that Santa - what a fun idea for a gift for family next year. :)


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