The ESV Archaeology Study Bible roots the biblical text in its historical and cultural context, offering readers a framework for better understanding the people, places, and events recorded in Scripture. With editorial oversight from Dr. John Currid (PhD, University of Chicago) and Dr. David Chapman (PhD, University of Cambridge), as well as contributions from a team of field-trained archaeologists, the Archaeology Study Bible assembles a range of modern scholarship—pairing the biblical text with over 2,000 study notes, 400 full-color photographs, 200 maps and diagrams, 200 sidebars, 15 articles, and 4 timelines. These features bring life to the ancient texts, helping readers situate them in their historical context while recognizing the truth that the eternal God became flesh entered human history at a specific time and in a specific place.
This is a fantastic Bible, especially if you want to understand the times that you are reading about. I love how it puts things into context for me by educating me about the people and their culture. It gave me a deeper understanding of why certain things were done or said in the Bible.
There is so much information packed into this beautiful Bible. Photographs, maps and more! Here are a couple pictures of the inside pages of the Bible and what you can expect.
I love that you have so many visual aides inside to help you truly see how the people lived. Plus, having the color maps is really nice so you know exactly where you're reading about.
There are over 2000 study notes, plus diagrams, articles (like the one you see above) and more! It truly does take you into the lives of the people! I also liked that there are book introductions before each book of the Bible. I find this very helpful before actually digging into the book. You have an idea of what you're going to be reading and how you can apply it to your own life.
Here is a picture of the New Testament Timeline inside.
I have never had a timeline inside my Bible before and I love this! You can look at a glance to see when important events took place and exactly where they are in the Bible. There are actually 4 timelines in this Bible and I found them to be so helpful!
There is so much to read, to look at, and to ponder over as you read. This Bible would be great for anyone but it would really be great for Pastors, teachers or students. For my own women Bible studies, this is going to be invaluable for gaining more out of my studies.
Everything is easy to read and understand, which is also a plus. You come away feeling like you truly understand things so much clearer because of how it's written.
I really love this Bible and highly recommend it! It's become my favorite and I'm using it as I do my studies as well as my daily Bible reading. It's made it all come more alive for me. I give this Bible 5 out of 5 stars.
*This Bible was provided to me for my honest review by Crossway
Blessings - Julie
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