Monday, March 25, 2019

Book Review - Breaking the Power of Negative Words


The spoken word has immense potential for either building up or tearing down. Too often, it's the latter. Many of us are carrying around hurtful words, sometimes without even knowing it. These negative words can have great influence over our lives and the lives of those around us. But thankfully, they are not the last word.

Mary C. Busha wants to guide you toward victory over the harmful, demeaning, or insulting words of your past. She shows you how to

· understand the emotions and circumstances behind the words
· choose to want to forgive your offenders
· embrace the truth about who you are created to be
· recognize the effect of both negative and positive self-talk
· pray effectively to break the power of negative words
· and walk in the freedom God provides in His Word


Mary C. Busha is a writer's coach, an editor, and a writer whose work has appeared in periodicals such as Writer's Digest and Focus on the Family. She has worked for decades to help writers all around the country bring their work to bookshelves all over the world. Busha currently lives in Florida.


Words have tremendous power. The words we say to others and that they say to us. The words we say to ourselves. This book explores why it's so important to choose our words wisely.

Many of us have had harsh words spoken to us as children. Words that we internalized and believed. The author helps us to understand why that person may have spoken these words by understanding their background and then giving us the tools to forgive them  She shares Scriptures that speak truth into our hearts about who we really are.

I enjoyed the personal stories she shares as I could relate to so many of them and I'm sure other's will, too. We have all had hurtful things said to us and I liked that she made her reader not feel so alone in this. I also like how she has the questions at the end of the chapters for us to look inwardly and figure things out through her questions.

There are so many practical concepts through this book of breaking free from the negative words spoken about us and also breaking free from speaking the negative things to ourselves and others. She gives us the tools to begin new habits for speaking in positive ways and in ways that honor God.

I really enjoyed this book because it gave me a greater understanding of the power of the negative things we or others say. I also love that she encourages us to see ourselves through God's eyes. It's a very practical and encouraging book and I really gained a lot from it. I give it 5 stars.

*This book was provided to me by Revell. I received a copy of this book to review but I was not financially compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this book.

Blessings - Julie

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