Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Hello friends:

I'm changing my linkup as I think so many don't participate because they think they have to share blessings only.  That has never been the case but in the effort to help us all connect more, I want this to be a linkup that everyone will feel comfortable participating in.  Please do share your blessings if you'd like, but also share things you're making, a recipe, a book you're reading, or just a blog post that you think others will enjoy and be blessed by.

I have been feeling a bit better and have finally had the energy to paint.  I just finished this beautiful piece that was designed by Kim Christmas. Her designs are so fun and such a joy to paint! This took me a lot longer than it normally would but I'm so glad to be able to feel good enough to paint at times.

My cross stitch is still on the back burner as my fingers are still numb from the chemo.  I'm hoping that they come back to life soon. I've been able to crochet off and on, as with the painting, so little by little, I'm getting back to the things I love.

I am reading a lot of new, wonderful books that I will be sharing about soon.  I'm not doing as much book reviewing for others so will also share about books that I chose to read just for myself.

Please do share on the linky below!

Blessings - Julie


  1. Good Morning Julie! What a glorious Christmas ornament! So cheerful. :) I hope you AND David are improving?

  2. Your ornament is beautiful!!! I look forward to hearing about the books you're reading. I actually got caught up on my TBR during this crazy time. :-)


Please leave me a message! I love hearing what you have to say and look forward to your comments.