Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Counting Our Blessings

It's that time again to Count Our Blessings. Join me in counting your blessings and then link up with me below.

67.  I was totally blessed last week by a gorgeous bouquet of flowers that were given to me by my sisters in the jail ministry at my church.  How amazing and blessed am I that they haven't forgotten about me and continue to pray for me and think of me?  I have also received cards from many of them and I can't even express what a blessing they are.  I can't wait to be able to join them again in our ministry meetings.  I miss them all so much.

68.  I am so blessed that my family doesn't lose patience with me as I continue to fight this pain.  I lose patience with myself, but they never do! They are kind, considerate and gentle with me even when I'm having a pity party or crying because the pain is too much. 

69.  I'm thankful to be able to pick up my crochet hook once again and crochet.  I had to put it down for a few weeks because I had developed a cyst on my wrist from over-use.  It is still there, but so much better and I've been enjoying every minute with my crochet hook! 

70.  At this time of year, I'm very blessed by the a/c! I can't tell you how hot it has been here all of a sudden and without my a/c, I would be miserable! I'm so thankful that I can cool off and be comfortable when it's unbearably hot outside!

God bless you - Julie


  1. I am thankful right along with you for the blessings you are receiving. Our weather finally cooled off. But the heat is coming back. That's summer!

  2. ((((Hugs)))) I'm so sorry for your pain and often think of you when I struggle similarly. I am hoping that the pain is just a season and will grow us both :)

    Blessings, dear one, and know that I am praying.


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