Monday, September 12, 2011

Heavenly Support

I am so thankful for your precious comments and emails.  You have no idea how much your kind words and prayers meant to me.  It was such comfort to hear from you and know that you were holding me before the throne of God.  Truly, there is no greater way to show someone you love them then to pray for them.  Thank you so much for your prayers!

While I am still having pain, the levels have gone down to the point where I'm not in agony.  I know that it is because of so many prayers going up to the Lord from so many of you, my friends and family.  It is also because I made the effort (and yes, dear readers, it was an effort at the time) to seek out God, pray and read His Word. What a balm to my Spirit!  Sometimes when we are down in that pit, it's so easy to just stay there - believing that God has forgotten you - when He hasn't at all.  All I had to do was reach my hand out and there was the Lord ready to pull me out of my pit and help me.

I was reading in my devotional today and this touched my heart so much.  This is from my "Streams in the Desert" and it said that she was in a Southern church where a man was praying and he ended the prayer this way: "And O Lord, support us! Support us on every leaning side!"  Yes, Lord! Support me on my leaning sides. I always feel like I'm leaning from the pain and yet I know that the Lord is there supporting me on my leaning sides! Praise Jesus! How reassuring that the Lord supports us as we lean from one burden or another. We can lean on Him and He makes our ways straight.

In the book I just read and reviewed, "As Silver Refined" by Kay Arthur, she shared a poem that I would like to share with you. It's a wonderful poem reminding us that His ways are not our ways but that what He has for us is really for our best and to bless us.  You can find that poem HERE where you can print it out if you'd like. I hope it will give you peace and hope as it did me.

While my pain is not gone and I still can't do a lot, I know that I am not alone.  The Lord is with me, just like He's with you.  God bless you for your prayers!

Blessings - Julie


  1. Julie, so glad to read you are feeling a bit better. Every little bit helps, huh. Don't overdo now.... It is ok to still take it easy and "recover"-agony can take quite the recovery. (((( HUGS))))

  2. Praise God that you're feeling a little bit better! I will keep praying for you.

  3. Thanks for the update. I pray daily for you and I thank God that you are feeling better. God answers those prayers if we just take the time to ask. I'm glad that you are getting into God's Word and drawing closer to Him. That's what He wants for all of us.

  4. Still praying, my friend. Love ya

  5. Glad you're being encouraged. God bless always!


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