Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sunday Thoughts - Jesus Always

The Jesus Calling books have been such a blessing to me as I navigate this life. They are such a comfort and always bring me back to the fact that Jesus is everything. He is my friend, my teacher, and my guiding light.

In today's Jesus Always devotional, we are reminded that Jesus is our living hope. It is through his sacrifice on the cross that we are washed white as snow and given a new life through Him. (You can click on the picture to enlarge and read)

Life is hard. I'm especially aware of this through the past four years. Lots of losses. Lots of heartache. But Jesus.... He is my light, my peace, and my comfort.

When I do my devotions, I always look up the Scriptures that are associated with the reading. I go through the Scripture and really meditate on it and mark it with my color coding.

Isn't it so wonderful and such a joy to know that He gives us great mercy? On the hard days, on the days when we think we can't go one more step, He is there with his mercy and love because He has been through everything that we have been through. He understands because He's been through the same things. Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of that but that's the beauty of God's love. He not only gave us a Savior, but a Savior who has experienced the same things in this world that we do. I find that such a comfort.

I hope whatever you're going through that you will turn to Jesus as He is the great comforter and through Him, we can walk through this world and allows us to keep our eyes on our path to heaven.

Blessings - Julie

P.S. Because I love the Jesus Calling books so much, I am a Jesus Calling Ambassador and a Thomas Nelson Partner. It is a true joy to be able to share these wonderful books with you.

This is the copy of Jesus Always that I show in the picture

and this is the Bible I use

Both of these links are affiliate links.

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