The Jesus Bible stresses that the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem isn’t the beginning of the story of Jesus. The entire Bible points to him.
Filled with 66 book introductions, over 1,000 articles, and seven compelling essays on the grand narrative of Scripture that guide readers to treasure Jesus and encourage them to faithfully follow Jesus as they participate in his story, The Jesus Bible helps readers follow the thread of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.
“The Jesus Bible helps people understand from the very first page that the Bible is one story in 66 books, and it’s all about one person. From Genesis to Exodus, to Romans, Acts, the prophets, Psalms, the Gospels…the whole book is about Jesus,” says Giglio, general editor of the project. “We had the opportunity to create a resource that I hope is going to change future generations and help Scripture come alive so that Jesus is standing on every single page; so that as you read the Bible, you understand Jesus throughout the Bible.”
I had heard so many wonderful things about this Bible and was so excited to be able to get a copy of my own to read.
First of all, the cover just speaks volumes to my artist's heart. I love the beautiful splashes of color and the feel of the soft cover. It feels lovely in your hands and isn't overly heavy, which is important to me.
It's the inside and the wonderful extra's this Bible has that has me opening this Bible to read all the time. I love all the information this Bible has and when you open it, one of the first things you find is the pages titled, "Welcome to the Story of God!" I enjoyed this introduction to the Bible and, even as a long time Christian, I found this so inspiring. This would be wonderful for a new Christian as it gives the foundation of what the Bible is all about.
Each book of the Bible has a wonderful introduction that is easy to understand and leads you into the book with a clear understanding of what you are about to read.
Then there is the focus on certain Scriptures as you read along. These are in the margin and allow you to dig deeper and get more understanding about the Scriptures.
As a person that loves to write in my Bible, there are plenty of white spaces and also completely clear, large margins for making my own notes. This is really important to me and I'm so glad that this Bible took note-taking into consideration.
There's a wonderful, in-depth Concordance, which is wonderful, and the gold-edged pages are just gorgeous. In fact, this whole Bible is gorgeous plus the text is easy on the eyes. The ESV translation is also wonderful and easily understood.
You can see more about this Bible through this video:
I love everything about this Bible and highly recommend it. There's nothing I would change and, quite honestly, it's become my new favorite Bible. It's just wonderful in every way!
*This Bible was provided to me by BibleGateway. I received a copy of this book to review but I was not financially compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this book.
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Blessings - Julie
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