Thursday, April 14, 2011


I spent the day writing....Oh, yes, I did!! Can I just say here for the record, that despite what people may think, writing is exhausting work.  I am NOT complaining, though.  I LOVED every minute of it and am so thrilled to finally be working toward my dream and my calling from God.  I didn't get as much writing done as I thought I would - it does take longer than I thought - but I'm just going to keep working on it until I have it finished.

I'm actually working on something that I plan to be an ebook for the homeschooling parent.  It's something I've been thinking about for awhile and I think it will be helpful.  I've had my notes on this for two years and I'm so glad I kept everything as you never know which notes will be helpful and which will not.

I did not have any tooth pain today! I am so thankful as that would have made it difficult to write.  My back pain level was much better today, too, only really aggravating me when I sat in one chair for too long while writing.  I did have to take a pain pill at that point, but it did help and I was able to continue writing after awhile. I'm praising God for this as just a couple days ago I was in so much pain I was on the phone to the doctor's office trying to get some help.  I know I'll probably have more horrible days, but I'm so thankful for the days that are better!

Sweet, little Holly is always by my side, sometimes grabbing at my hand with her paw when she thinks I've been at the computer too long.  She is so adorable and fills my days with such love and comfort! She is such a blessing!

 My son talked with his best friend today and his friend is getting married! How is it possible that he is old enough to be married?  I remember him in 2nd grade with my son and it seems like just yesterday.  He has asked my son to be his best man so it's all very exciting. 

When I look at the above picture, which was taken about a year and a half ago, it doesn't even look like my son (who's on the left).  He has lost so much weight even since that picture was taken!

 and another of him with our poodle nibbling on his arm....she's such a hoot!

If you're interested in finding out how he did this (and has kept it off!), you can check out his blog HERE.  He hasn't had time to update it recently as he is in college and is taking his EMT classes this semester, but be watching as he will update it with more information.

I think I'm going to do a bit more writing before heading off to bed (or recliner, in my case, LOL) tonight, so will sign off.


  1. I am not a good letter writer... I would much rather type on the keyboard. I know, sad!

    Handsome son you have! And very sweet pups!


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