Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tribute to Tony Snow

Tony Snow

Tony Snow and I had something in common. We were both diagnosed with cancer in 2005.

I can remember listening to his radio show during those hard days - listening to a man who's faith in God strenghthened my faith in God. I could totally relate to everything he was going through and in the process, it made me a stronger person.

I didn't know Tony Snow personally, but he made me feel like I did. He said it like it was and he wasn't afraid to wear his faith on his sleeve. He shared it and told you what his beliefs were and didn't worry about whether you liked it or not. He was just that kind of man.

When he left his radio show, I felt like I was losing a friend. I tried to tune in to the new show, but couldn't relate to the new guys on there and soon gave up listening. They weren't Tony, but then, who was?

I feel so blessed that I survived my cancer and have been cancer free for 3 years. I feel very sad that Tony was not. However, even in my sorrow of losing what I considered a friend in arms against this horrible disease, I have joy that he is with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - free of pain and suffering.

I know his family must be grieving horribly for him and let's keep them in prayer and ask the Lord to give them the peace and comfort that he gave Tony through the past 3 1/2 years.

God bless you, Tony Snow! I will always remember how your fight with cancer helped me get through my fight with cancer.

God bless you - Julie

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I was very sad when I read the news of it this morning. I like him a lot. He was a very good strong Christian, and yes he was not ashamed of it.
    Praising God for your life, may He continue to bless you with good health.


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