Friday, December 31, 2010

Planning for the new year

Are you making plans for the new year? Do you make resolutions?

I am planning for the new year. I will be figuring out some kind of schedule for myself and setting some goals. I enjoy doing this and it makes me feel like I'm a bit in control when I write out my plans.  I don't really like just drifting from day to day wondering what it will bring.   This year has been like that-so many things out of my control and I know that it's always possible, but having goals and plans gives me at least some peace of mind.

I like to use my own planner that I designed years ago out of necessity when I homeschooled my children.  I have forms that I designed that fit my life and I use a 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 notebook.  The one thing I do buy for my notebook is a month-at-glance calender. I have always bought these at WalMart, but do you know, they are not carrying them anymore.  I was shocked.  I can buy them at either Staples or Office Max, but my goodness, they are almost $10.00 each! Outrageous!!! So...I will wait until the end of January or February and go and get one when they put them on clearance, or I'll figure out how to make one myself on the computer.  I guess most people either use their computer or a hand-held device to keep track of their schedule.  I still like writing everything down.  This really works best for me.  I do have a palm-pilot I like and I use, but I still like having a paper notebook.  I may have to change my thinking on this as time goes on, but I like to continue with what works for me.

I'm sick.  My oldest son got that flu again with the sore-throat and cold.  We all got it last time and then he caught it again and now I'm sick as well as my youngest son.  The sore-throat is just the worst! It actually woke me up in the night it was so bad.  I'm taking Musinex, which is a miracle drug as far as I'm concerned, and it has helped a lot.  I'm hoping I get over this quickly as it's the pits.  I'm also praying that my husband doesn't get it.  He just doesn't need to get sick again.

I'm going to take a nap and rest this afternoon and then get back to my planning!

God bless you - Julie

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on the handwritten "to do" thing. I don"t have to charge anything and the batteries won't give out. My cheapo composition book and my handy calendar has worked for me for years and don't plan to change what works for me.
    Hope you feel better.
    Hugs. Jackie


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