Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday Thoughts

It's been a while since I've written a Sunday Thought. I have had a lot going on and some really great blessings and some really hard things going on. Yet, God has been with me through it all.

One thing that has been very hard is that Holly has taken a turn for the worse. I noticed that she had an open wound on her tummy again and thought that her incision had opened up plus she had this lump on her leg that had been there ever since the surgery. I had asked her about it and she thought that it was just a bruise from the surgery. Anyway, I took her in and saw her tech and she took Holly back to the back to see the Vet and then came back out and said that this open wound was not the incision at all, but a new tumor. The purple "bruise" on her leg is also a tumor. She also let me know that it was just a matter of time before I lose Holly. I was shocked! I did the surgery because the Vet told me she thought she could get all the cancer and that it would give Holly a longer life. Now I'm wondering if she really believed this or if she did it for financial reasons? It's hard for me to believe that she didn't know ahead of time how aggressive this cancer is. Right now, I'm keeping the open tumors clean, giving her antibiotics and just pampering her as much as possible. It breaks my heart, though, and I just don't understand why the Vet wasn't honest with me at the time. I'm just praying that she doesn't suffer and that she goes peaceably and that I won't have to put her down. If you think of it, keep Holly in prayer.

On the up side, my infection seems to be under control and the wounds are healing nicely. I'm still doing the Aquacel (with the silver in it) and that seems to be working well. It has been a battle with the surgeon on so many things, though. Case in point - I think I shared that they found a staple in my leg a couple weeks back. I told my Dad about this and he said, "Why don't you have him x-ray your leg to see if there are any more in there." Duh! Why didn't I think of that? When I asked the doctor about this, he really didn't want to do that. My son insisted, though, and he finally relented and, sure enough, there was a staple. I had been having a burning sensation in my bypass incision (where this staple was) for so long and once this staple was gone, it went away! He told me when I was concerned about this that the staple was made out of stainless steel and that it wouldn't hurt me for it to be left in there. Really?!! My body is, of course, going to want to get that staple out of there and it's going to focus on that and not on healing. I can't believe how quickly that incision has improved since that staple was removed.

My physical therapy has been going well and I started occupational therapy as well. The occupational therapy went well at first. She wrapped my leg very loosely with no issues, but when I went on Friday, when she wrapped my leg, my foot turned purple. I can't tell you how scary that was. She took all the wrapping off and tried again and same thing - purple foot. So, now I'm not too sure I want her to ever wrap it again because it really scared me. I have to be so careful about this bypass.
The biggest issue I'm having is the exhaustion I'm still having from the surgeries.

So how does all this fit in with my Sunday Thoughts? God has been with me - He has been with me through all this - He has had His righteous right hand on me and has been protecting me under His wings the whole time. He is my comforter and I am totally rooted and grounded in His love. (Ephesians 4:17) Keep your roots in His Word and you will have guidance and stability that nothing or no one else can give you!

Have a blessed Sunday!

God bless you - Julie


  1. Julie, I am sorry about dear Holly. I have been praying for her. My first thought is that the vet was not dishonest, but you are there, I am not. Did she do an x-ray before the surgery? Because if she did, she would have seen the other breast tumor. I am keeping you both in my prayers.♥

  2. I am so sorry to hear about Holly. Of course, I'll remember her too. I pray for you daily, so I'll know to pray for her.
    Sometimes, I think doctors are all about the money and don't really care about us or our pets.

    Have a blessed Monday!

  3. Praying for you my friend, love you.

  4. I'm so sorry about your sweet puppy! We paid for our dog to be put under to have her teeth cleaned (it was really bad) and while she was under they x-rayed her leg because we were concerned because she was limping.

    The x-rays revealed that she had cancer along her spine. Within two weeks she went blind (the cancer spread to her optical nerve I guess) and she was gone.

    What was really shocking was that the doctor had checked her again the day before and thought she looked in pretty good health, all in all. She was able to run (favoring that leg) and seemed pretty good.

    The next day she went blind and her health went downhill from there. It was awful. She was in such pain and in two weeks we went from what we thought was a healthy dog to losing her.

    I don't say this to hurt you but just to say that dogs can't communicate what's going on (other than how they act) and that many times the vet can only go on their last experience with similar situations or whatever.

    Our vet was shocked and just couldn't believe it when I called her that my dog was blind since her vision was perfectly fine the day before. So I brought her in for the vet to see her (no expense) and she was shocked as there had been no signs or anything.

    Anyway, I'm sorry you have to go through this with your little furry girl!


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