Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Counting Our Blessings - Link Up

I thought it was about time I did a "Counting Our Blessings" link up. I've missed doing it so much but I haven't had many pictures, and I still don't, so I hope you won't find this one boring. I just really want to focus on my blessings, and I'm sure you do, too. It's really helpful to me to focus on what is going good instead of what is going bad.  So, let's get started!!

Remember this box that my son bought me last Christmas? It has my word for 2014 on it and I have it right by my chair. I never realized how important this word was going to be for me this year.  I have had to really believe that God would heal me and that things would work out. It's been a very tough year so far and I'm trying to be brave and realize this journey is far from over. I do believe, though. I believe in a God who cares, in a Savior who understands my problems and has sympathy, and I believe that God will continue to heal me. BELIEVE is a very important and powerful word for me!

41.  I was so blessed to get back to my surgeon who did my bypass and to have him do this latest surgery to clean and rid my body of the infection. I am so blessed that he will be doing follow ups with me and also my new infectious disease doctor. They have helped me in so many ways and I feel that the Lord orchestrated this whole thing to help me.

I am so thankful for my Dad. He has always understood me and accepted me for who I am. I am very blessed to have an earthly father who loved me. He still does so much for me and I always know that he will be there for me if I need him. He always tells me that I'll always be his little girl and that's always so reassuring and sweet. :)

43.  I have one more day of push meds and IV's! I am so thankful that this will soon be over and I'm hoping that the infection will not be back and that this will be the end of all these medicines. They are such potent drugs and I'm starting to really be affected by them. Headaches are a constant but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm so blessed, though, that they had the medicines I needed and that I could administer them at home! I am housebound now and so I have home healthcare nurses. I have to say, though, that I will be one happy girl when I'm given the okay to drive and can get out again!

44.  I have been doing this Bible study. I really hadn't planned on doing it, but I won an ebook copy of the book so it opened a door for me to do it!

This is the Good Morning Girls study and it's been really great! I've been keeping up with my homework and am following along quite well. I'm also going to be doing this study

Beth Moore is doing this for the summer study on her blog. Now, mind you, she won't be sharing the actual videos that go with it, but you really don't need them. However, I had a huge blessing from my parents. They were going to send me flowers but then they said they would rather I have something I really want that will last. So I asked them if it would be okay to get the videos for this study. They said, "Of course"! Yay! So, this is my study I'll be working on along with the other one. I'm so excited and so blessed to have parents that bless me!

What are you blessings? I'd love for you to share your own blessings on your blog and then link up here! You can grab a button from the top of my blog under the "Grab My Buttons" tab. Link up below!!

Blessings - Julie

1 comment:

  1. I am blessed that my pain is back down. I am blessed to have a husband who helps out with household chores that bring me increased pain.


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