Saturday, October 17, 2015

31 Days of Hope - October 17

Teach a youth about the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

When my children were in second and fourth grade, we realized that the school they were going to was not working for them. My oldest son, in particular, was being tormented (this is not too strong of a word) by his teacher. She did not like boys and she really didn't like my son. He was in tears many days when I would pick him up and he went from being a A student to struggling to do his school work. We tried, in vain, to talk to the principal and teacher so we made the decision to homeschool our sons. This was absolutely the best decision we ever made!

I had never thought of homeschooling but I looked at it as a calling from God and treated it as such. I really loved that we could make Jesus the center of our schooling, too! Proverbs 22:6 became our school Scripture and we tried very hard to train our children in the way that God would want us to.

Now that my children are grown, I see evidence of the that training. I also see two men who love God and try to live their lives in such a way as to honor Him. This gives me HOPE for the future!

It's easy to look around our world and lose HOPE for our future. However, when I look at my sons, I still have HOPE. There are some in my son's generation who are living their lives for Christ, who are standing strong in their faith despite the chance of persecution, or as we saw in Oregon, the chance of death. They are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and will stand for Him.

As I have gone through so many health issues in the past few years - mostly pain - both of my sons have shown compassion and love. They have never made me feel like a burden but have loved me unconditionally. They have encouraged me to see and use my talents. They have given me HOPE on days when I felt hopeless.

I am so proud of my sons and love them so much. They work hard and yet always have time for fun and laughter. They both put Jesus first in their lives and have taught me to be a better person, too. I have HOPE that they will make their worlds a little better for having been in them. I have HOPE that they will bring others to Christ just by observing them. I am thankful that through their love of Jesus, they will show others that there is HOPE in Him!

Blessings - Julie 


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