Monday, March 28, 2016

Lord Over All

It's the day after Easter and I've been pondering what the resurrection of Jesus means. I've come to one means everything! Everything I believe, how I live my life, and how I treat others all comes down to that one glorious moment when God released Jesus from death and He rose to live and reign at the right hand of God.

Because of Jesus, I always have hope and assurance in all things in my life. I've gone through some really difficult things in my life, as I'm sure you have, too, but knowing that Jesus is there for me, gives me the courage and strength to go on with my life.  To not give up. It would have been so easy for me to give up so many times. Life is hard and we all need a Savior! We need a Savior in every area of our life. Sometimes, it's easy to put Jesus into the box of Savior of our life when we die. Yes, because of my faith in Him, I will have eternal life, but He's much more than that. He's my Savior when I feel like I just can't go one more minute because of the pain I'm in. He's my Savior when I feel like life is just too difficult and too complicated. He's my Savior when I'm not sure what to do next. He's the Savior of my complete life - while I'm living now and when I will pass on to the next life.

Sometimes we like to compartmentalize our life. We will have our work life, home life, family life, friend life and faith life. The thing is, the faith life needs to be over all the other lives. When we do that, it makes everything else fall into place. God doesn't want us to put our faith in a little box and bring it out on Sundays or when we really need Him. No, our faith should be the driving force behind everything we do. I'm not saying this is always easy - especially in today's world. We are scorned and even tortured for our faith. We can feel afraid to put our faith "out there" but if we don't, aren't we just as bad as those who scorn? Either we totally believe or we don't. It's easy to think that if we keep things separate, our lives will be better but it never works out that way. If we don't have a resevoir from God from which to pull from, we're going to come up dry and wanting when we really need the cool refreshment of his Living Water.

After thinking about all this in my own life, I've decided to be more discisive about putting God first in my day and making Him a part of every area of my life. I've been guilty of pushing Him to the back burner more than once but, honestly, that's not really working for me. I'm finding it harder and harder to come back from the bad moments because I have nothing to pull from.

So, on this day after Easter, my heart is to longing to remember who I worship and serve. The risen Lord! He cares about every aspect of my life and yours, too. I'm going to make Him Lord over all my life. How about you?

Blessings - Julie


  1. What a heart-felt, sincere post! I really appreciate your transparency and honesty. Oh, to know Him and to be what He wants me to be...YES, that is the desire of my heart! God help us all to be faithful to Him and to stand for Him. We watched Roma Downey's "Son of God" movie yesterday, and oh, my, I just wept and wept. To think that it was MY sins that caused Him such horrible suffering...I just kept sitting there whispering how sorry I am to Him. I have served Him for many years, but it seems the longer I walk this Christian journey, the more deeply I sink into Him. He means SO much to me...I just love Him so.


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