There are so many moments in life when we choose to silence our intuition, abandon our own voice, and play small, because of that accusing voice inside that whispers, "Who do you think you are, anyway?"
Who you are is a human--loved, worthy, and becoming. Who you are is a woman created by God to be and to do something unique. Who you are, deep down, is brazen.
Brazen means "without shame." Leeana Tankersley wants you to own that--to unapologetically claim who and whose you are and to know that you are enough. With moving personal stories and spot-on observations of the longings we all experience--to know we are loved, to feel comfortable in our own skin, to be heard--Tankersley invites you to receive your identity, to reclaim your voice, and to recover your soul.
Gritty and overflowing with grace, Brazen can set you free to be truly yourself in a world bent on molding you into its own image.
Leeana Tankersley is the author of Breathing Room and holds English degrees from Liberty University and West Virginia University. She and her husband, Steve, are currently stationed in San Diego, California, with their three children: Luke, Lane, and Elle. Leeana writes about living from the spacious place on her blog,
This book is life changing. It came at the right time in my life when I've been feeling a bit lost at all the losses I've had to deal with. Add in the fact that I don't have a lot of confidence in myself and you have someone this book was meant for!
Don't let the slowish start put you off this book. It took me a few pages before I was really into the book and understood where she was going but I'm so glad I stuck with it because the things she shares really are worth reading and applying to your life.
I love how she shares that God created us to be creative. There is a part of us that is unique and we need to cultivate this in our soul. She tells us that we need to have 20 minutes of soul time every day. This is quiet time where we explore those hidden areas of our heart.
Leeana also tells us it's okay to be ourselves and break the standard rules. We each of us have a color that we associate with the word brazen (read the book and this will all become clear) and we realize we are probably not the plain old beige that we think we need to be to fit in with everyone else. We make choices to fit in when that's not what God has in mind for us at all!
Here's one of my absolute favorite quotes from the book
I have been living a life of apology since my life-changing surgery that went wrong. I apologize for not being able to do what I could before - in fact, sometimes I feel I must apologize for my very existence. This is so wrong and I can fall in love with my life, just as it is, and with myself, just as I am. Like I said, this book has been life changing for me. I'm re-reading the book and doing the journaling and that has been even great for me.
If you're someone who wants to live life more fully and love the life God has given you, read this book! I think, like me, you'll love it!
*This book was provided to me for my honest review by Revell Books
Blessings - Julie
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