Monday, August 29, 2016

Book Review and Giveaway - Service Tails


Heart-tugging true stories of the courage, faith, and loyalty of remarkable service dogs.

Not all heroic dogs wildly toss themselves into lifesaving situations. Some save lives simply by their incredible commitment to duty and service. Some lead the way to independence for people whose disabilities were supposed to limit their lives.

In Service Tails: More Stories of Man's Best Hero, prolific author Ace Collins introduces us to leaders whose entire lives are wrapped in the banner of service. Their stories are remarkable snapshots of the value of vision and teamwork, as well as devotion to duty and unconditional love and acceptance---stretching the way we see both canine and human potential. Their training was intense, their loyalty unquestioned and each step of the way they constantly adapt to better serve those they lead. These unforgettable dogs are more than heroes; they are models from which we can learn how to love and serve unconditionally.


Ace Collins defines himself as a storyteller. He has authored more than sixty books that have sold more than 2.5 million copies. His catalog includes novels, biographies, children's works as well as books on history, culture and faith. He has also been the featured speaker at the National Archives Distinguished Lecture Series, hosted a network television special and does college basketball play-by-play. Ace lives in Arkansas.

Service Tails Ace Collins


This book is full of wonderful inspiring stories that anyone will love! I am a dog lover so it touched my heart so much but even if you're not a real dog lover, you'll find this book just wonderful.

I love the different stories of the service dogs and their owners and all that the dogs are able to do. It's amazing how intuitive the dogs are and how much they really care for their owners. It's the same for the owners and how much they care for their dogs.

So many of these stories are just heroic! I was so touched by all that these service dogs do! The training that these dogs do and how they learn what their owners need is just amazing. I love how they are able to give their owners the independence and courage they need to do things they felt uncomfortable doing before.

My own dogs give me such a sense of calm when I'm feeling stressed and, although the dogs that visited me when I was in the hospital were not service dogs, per say, they were still so wonderful in giving me a sense of calmness and unconditional love. That's what they service dogs do, too. They are just so amazing!

This is a great book full of wonderful stories but also information about how service dogs do their jobs. I highly recommend it and give it 5 out of 5 stars.

*This book was provided to me for my honest review by LitFuse Publicity Group

Blessings - Julie

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a wonderful book, Julie! I wasn't sure how to go about entering for the giveaway? Do I just leave a comment here? I hope all is well with you, dear friend, and I trust you are feeling much better. Sending you love and hugs!


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