Monday, August 15, 2016

Counting Our Blessings - LinkUp!

How was your week? I hope it was full of blessings! Let's get started!

84.  Have you been watching the Olympics? I've enjoyed watching everyone do their best and have celebrated when they have won. The most exciting part has been seeing several of the athletes profess their faith in Jesus. It's so wonderful seeing them use their tremendous platform to show light for the Lord. It really touches my heart!

85.  I have been working on my crochet as I watch the Olympics. I'm putting some of the squares together right now to determine how many more I'll need. One thing I've noticed is that I have some that are not quite up to size. I worked on these squares when I was going through all my surgeries and infections and I think I must have used the wrong size hook here and there. lol I'm excusing myself as I was going through so much and I've also decided to keep them because it's a beautiful reminder of how I made it through all that - with the Lord's help! Here's a picture of the two large strips I've made so far.

I'm making it big enough for a twin bed I have a lot of squares made so I'll see if I need to make more as I put it together. I'm really enjoying this afghan!

86.  I did finish one little square on the counted cross stitch bear I'm working on. It's such a small thing, I didn't take a picture of it, but I did work on it! lol

What are your blessings this week? Please share on the linkup or in the comments so we can celebrate your blessings with you!

Blessings - Julie

1 comment:

  1. I was able to get to my mom's for a birthday party for my husband and two brothers. I like your afghan very much Julie.


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