Friday, September 9, 2016

Bible Study Review - I Am Found


In this debut title in Moody Publishers’ new Bible study line for women, Dingman, a Bible teacher and creative arts director at a large Indianapolis church, leads women through a 6-week Bible study focused on helping them discover their true identity in Christ, experience freedom from shame and fear, and understand what it means to live in awe of God.

Endorsed by the likes of Carol Kent, Jonathan Merritt, Cheri Lowe, and Jen Ferguson, I Am Found is designed for small groups as well as individual study. Each week is broken into six daily studies, with five including Scripture passages, teaching from Dingman, and a prayer related to the study. The sixth day focuses on a truth (what God’s Word teaches), a lie (name the lies we’ve believed and reclaim them with new truths), and action steps (to help you name your shame and come out of hiding).

“Shame is ingrained in our thinking,” says Dingman. “We have carried it our entire lives. In order to begin thinking differently, we must spend some time redirecting our thoughts. This new thinking requires that we replace the lies with truth and take action.”

Throughout the study, Dingman guides women as they learn about the origination of shame, why we’re all hiding, what God has to say about it, and how we can win the war against shame. She also looks at the importance of choosing spiritual friendships and what that looks like, the truth about our identity and belonging, and why even when we hide, God searches for us for as long as it takes.

“You can’t escape God,” says Dingman. “You can’t outrun Him, because He never relents. You can’t choose anything so out of bounds He will not follow you there, because He fiercely pursues you. Remember, God is for you. He is good and has good things in mind for you. Even when trouble comes your way or worse yet, you choose it, He works it for your good.”


 Laura Dingman spends most of her time creating and leading worship experiences that help connect people with the story of God. She has served in vocational ministry as the Creative Arts Director at The Creek, a large church in Indianapolis, for over a decade.

She loves to show people where their story intersects with God’s story. She enjoys belting Broadway, laughing hysterically, reading great books, and living life with her favorite two people in the whole world, her husband, Matt, and her spunky daughter, Abigail. She is the author of Life Rhythms: Learning to Live in God-Centered Time and I Am Found: Quitting the Game of Hide and Seek with God and Others.

You can learn more about her journey and connect with her at


This is another visually gorgeous study but it's more than that - it's a beautiful study that will really help you in your quest to figure out how to live a life without shame and to connect more deeply with others.

This is a study that helps us realize that we don't have to live with shame and that God is not keeping us away from Him but He wants to draw us closer. Through living in Him we can learn to let go of the things that hold us back from being authentic and more open with others.

This is a six week study and I absolutely love all the open areas for answering the questions and journaling my thoughts. It's full of great Scripture and Biblical truth that will draw you closer to the Lord. It's not an overwhelming study yet it was deep enough that I feel like I really learned a lot from it.

This is a wonderful study and I highly recommend it. I give it 5 out of 5 stars.

*This study was provided to me for my honest review by Moody Publishers

Blessings - Julie

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