Marie Kondo presents the fictional story of Chiaki, a young woman in Tokyo who struggles with a cluttered apartment, messy love life, and lack of direction. After receiving a complaint from her attractive next-door neighbor about the sad state of her balcony, Chiaki gets Kondo to take her on as a client. Through a series of entertaining and insightful lessons, Kondo helps Chiaki get her home--and life--in order. This insightful, illustrated case study is perfect for people looking for a fun introduction to the KonMari Method of tidying up, as well as tried-and-true fans of Marie Kondo eager for a new way to think about what sparks joy. Featuring illustrations by award-winning manga artist Yuko Uramoto, this book also makes a great read for manga and graphic novel lovers of all ages.
This is a great book for anyone who is needing help with tidying up and purging things in their home. I loved all the wonderful illustrations throughout and they gave me a visual of how to keep my home cleaner and organized.
This is the fictional story of Chiaki, a young woman in Tokyo, whose apartment is quite cluttered and messy. She is hanging on to things from her past that tie her down and keeps her from moving forward in her life and finding out what is important to her. Enter Marie Kondo who shows her how to keep what she loves and get rid of the rest. She also shows her how to organize what she keeps.
The book is divided into sections like how to tidy clothing or papers. There is even illustrations on how to fold things and organize by color or type. It also shows you how to put things in drawers so you utilize your space in the best way.
The last section deals with the sentimental things. She advises leaving these things for last and how to decide what to keep and not keep. This was very helpful for me because a lot of my clutter comes from keeping the sentimental things. I love how she tells us to keep things if they bring us joy.
This is a great book for learning how to organize and tidy up. I loved the visual aspects of it as it really helped me to see how to do things - not just read it. I learned so much and it was a fun read, too. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to get organized. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
*This book was provided to me for my honest review by Blogging for Books
Blessings - Julie
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