Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sunday Thoughts

Why is it that we tend to focus on the negative in our lives instead of the positive? We see it all through the Bible. Godly men and women who have so much to be thankful for opining because they are having an issue that is uncomfortable or they don't have something they really want. 

We see the Israelites being led out of bondage by God and they are complaining about all manner of things. They have seen the miracles of God in their life - the Red Sea opened up for them to pass and get away from their pursuers - and still, they complain. They are focused on the negative and not the positive. 

Then we have the story of Mary and Martha. Here is Martha with Jesus - Jesus! - in her home and instead of focusing on the positive of Him being there and soaking up His teaching, she complains about her sister not helping her. She is focusing on the negative and not the positive. 

So here I am doing the same thing. I complain in my heart because I'm too tired from my surgery to do everything I want. I feel like I should be able to do more by now and focus on all I'm not able to do instead of just being thankful that I'm past that horrible experience. 

Contentment isn't always easy, is it? It's our human nature to focus on what we can't do or can't have. Like children who act out at the checkout line because they can't have the candy bar they want. 

However, Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11-13...

Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Here's a man who is imprisoned, suffering, and afflicted with some unknown ailment or pain that the Lord has not taken away. He is still focusing on the positive of the most important thing - Jesus and all that He does to strengthen and bless him. I'll be honest and tell you that when I was going through this last health issue with the ostomy bag and all the problems I had, I was really depressed. It was such a horrible experience of leaks, not being able to go out of my house except for doctor visits, of just feeling so alone. So, why in the world would I focus on the negative now instead of the blessings? Oh, that I could just be a better person who always is positive!However - and this is huge - I am aware of what I'm doing so I do stop! I remind myself of where God brought me from and how blessed I truly am! I think of the miracle of how He saved me from that situation in such an amazing way that looked negative but ended up being so positive! I also remind myself that God is creating a testimony in me that is mine! I have a unique story to tell of how Jesus has worked in my life and how He is using me right where I am. You have the same unique story! My goals are:
  • To focus on the positive in my life that God has so blessed me with.
  • To not beat myself up for not doing everything I think I should be doing.
  • To celebrate what I can do!
  • To grow closer to God through reading and studying His Word every day
  • To trust God's timing for my body and my life.
  • To be thankful for exactly where I am right now! 

No matter where you're at or what's happening in your life, there are always positives to focus on. I hope that you'll join me in actively remembering the blessings that God has in our life and remember that, through His strength, we can keep on keeping on!

Blessings - Julie

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Julie. I too, need reminders to stay positive!


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