Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Game Night!

Our family has always enjoyed games. We play card games, board games and video games. We're pretty old school around here, though, and we like to pull out the board games and play something as a family. One of my youngest son's favorite games is  Risk. It can be a rather long game, but my hubby and I don't mind that. It's all about the strategy.

You can see my armies and my two son's armies on the board. Did I say my youngest son really likes this game? He does but my oldest son? Not so much!

Here he is trying to figure out how he can get out of this game as quickly as possible! lol I kid you - he actually had to go to work early the next morning so he wasn't really wanting to stay up too late. That's my computer to the side with my computer game on it. Yes, we do like to play games!

My youngest son is going for his big strategy here! He is a thinker and an analyzer and always can figure everything out.

Another game we all love is Monopoly! I think we have just about every edition of this game in our house!

This edition is my youngest son's and it's the Indiana Jones edition. It really is fun to see how they  make the different editions and all the unique pieces and properties. We played the alternative rules this time, but decided we probably won't do that again. We like playing Monopoly with the original rules.

I can remember when I was young, my best friend, Renee, would come over to my house most nights after school and we would pop popcorn and play Monopoly. We would sometimes have the same game going for days and it was so much fun. Good memories!!

Another favorite game of mine is Gin Rummy. I play this a lot with my husband and my sons. I also enjoy playing Dominoes.

Playing games is a great way to have fun as a family and it's also good for our minds. We have to think and strategize and it keeps our brains sharp. Does your family play games and what are your favorites?

God bless you - Julie


  1. Hi Julie, we play games once in a while together. We play You've Been Sentenced and Imaginiff. We own Dogopoly. Do you? ;)

  2. Our daughter is seven. We alternate on Fridays between game night and movie night. We enjoy them both, and we hope we are creating family memories by doing things like this together. We also do outdoor things, go to museums, etc., but I also grew up playing games with my family - mostly card games and yahtzee - so I think this is a good thing! :)

    -Laura at TenThingsFarm


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