Monday, September 9, 2013

Counting Our Blessings - Link Up

Happy Tuesday! It's that wonderful day of the week when we stop to count our blessings. I just love that I'm getting more and more people linking up with me and sharing their wonderful posts. I know I have been so blessed by so much of what you all have written and shared. Thank you so much for taking the time to link up and/or to comment. For a blog writer, believe me, this is what really makes it worthwhile. Hearing back from my readers really makes my day. I've made some wonderful friends through my blog and from commenting on your blogs. It's an amazing network and, when it's centered on God, it really is a thing of beauty and blessings. 

156. As you know, I've been struggling with some different things. I have good days and bad and am so thankful for the good days. It's amazing how grateful we are for the little things that we feel able to do when we haven't been able or feeling like doing them. I'm grateful for seeing blessings - no matter how small they are.

157. I had a really good day this week (another blessing!) and was able to work on my laundry, which was no small feat, let me tell you! My sons had gone camping and I don't know why, but when ever camping is involved, lots and lots of laundry appears. I was able to get about half of it done and it felt so great. I really did not like doing laundry before my injury but now, I enjoy it. It's one of those small things that I appreciate being able to do now. 

158.  As a part of that good day, I was also able to work on my living room again. Remember, it looked like this?

What a mess! Now have a look. (I apologize for the quality of the pictures..the sun was shining in and I didn't realize it until after)

I still have a bit to do (as you can see) but I'm so happy with how it's coming along! The room seems much bigger because I've gotten rid of junk. It just makes everyone feel so good - most of all me! I love having these days where I can clean, purge and organize. It blesses me so (and also my family - another blessing! lol).

159. I'm so blessed by the time I've had with the Lord this week. He has opened my eyes to so much of Him! Getting to know the Lord better is always, always a blessing!

160. I was able to work on my cross stitch this week and I finished stitching my bobs! Here they are

Look at that tiny, little bunny! It's stitched with one thread over one thread. Oh my. I had to take breaks because it would make me feel cross-eyed at times. lol I love it though! Now I just need to cut them out and make them into bobs for my sweet little basket. I love it! I am so blessed to be able to make things. I'm so grateful for a grandmother that taught me needlework and crocheting. It has been a blessing throughout my whole life.

So what are you blessings? Please grab a button (under the grab my button tab at the top) and share how God has blessed you or share something you think would bless others. I know it always, always blesses me to read your blogs!

Blessings - Julie


  1. What a beautiful blog you have. So happy to have found you at Titus 2sdays.

  2. I am glad things are going better for you right now Julie. God bless you.

  3. Love the design of your blog. I'm happy to have found you. I enjoyed reading about your adventures cleaning your living room : ) I have similar struggles at home : ) Thank you for sharing!

  4. I always enjoy reading your list of blessings. Thanks so much for the linkup again.

  5. So much to be thankful for! Thanks for sharing these with Thrive @ Home.


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