Friday, October 25, 2013

Book Review - The Women of Christmas


A sacred season is about to unfold for three women whose hearts belong to God. Elizabeth is barren, yet her trust in God remains fertile. Mary is betrothed in marriage, yet she is willing to bear God's Son. Anna is a widow full of years, yet she waits patiently, prayerfully for the Messiah to appear in the temple courts.

Following in their footsteps, you too, can prepare for the Savior to enter your heart, your mind, and your life in a vibrant, new way this season. Best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs explores the biblical stores of Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna, unwrapping each verse with tender care and introducing you afresh to The Women of Christmas. 


This is a beautiful book about the women of Christmas. I was so incredibly touched and uplifted by this book! 

Liz Higgs really goes into depth on her study of Elizabeth, Mary and Anna and shows how their faith can be our faith. I loved how she slowly goes through the Scriptures throughout  and then explains what it means and how these women probably felt as God blessed them. I also loved that she is constantly telling us how much God loves us as women. Sometimes, I wonder if we really understand how much the Lord does care for us as women. This book will show you how much He really does love us.

She also has comments from the women that did her study throughout the book. I loved this because so many of these comments revealed exactly what I was thinking as I was reading this book. There is so much insight from these ladies that will just bless your heart. 

This is a wonderful book and would be wonderful as a Bible study for a small group. It's very easy to read and Liz explains everything so well. Since it's written almost like a novel, it really opens up the story around the birth of Christ. It was so special reading this as we prepare to get ready for the Christmas holidays. This would be a wonderful book to read each year before Christmas to prepare our hearts as we celebrate the birth of the Lord's Son. I highly recommend this book!

*This book was provided to me for my honest review by the Blogging For Books Program

Blessings - Julie

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