"The framers of our Constitution meant we were to have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion." --Reverend Billy Graham
The Question Is Not If Attempts Will Be Made
to Limit Religious Freedoms, But When.
And When That Day Comes, Will You Stay Silent?
A storm is coming.
The most popular evangelist of his day, John Luther, simply wants to share the Gospel and enjoy a quiet life with his family. He never asked to be at the center of a political controversy, but an ill wind has been blowing through the halls of Congress, and supporters of a new religious-equality bill see Luther's endorsement as critical.
But when Luther refuses to lend his support, he unknowingly sets in motion an explosive plan bent on destroying his reputation and undermining everything for which he stands. His once-normal life is turned upside down as he becomes a fugitive left with only one dangerous option--putting everything he holds most dear at risk while he fights to expose the truth. It is a mission that brings him face-to-face with the coming storm of persecution that could threaten the very fabric of our nation's freedoms.
Robin Parrish is a journalist who's written about the intersection of faith and pop culture for more than a decade. He's also the author of Offworld and The Dominion Trilogy . Robin and his wife and children live in North Carolina. Visit Robin's website at www.robinparrish.com.
Daniel Lusko attended film school at the New York Film Academy and directed the documentaries Inside the Revolution and Epicenter based on Joel Rosenberg's New York Times bestsellers. Over the past two years Daniel has directed his first action/adventure feature film entitled 500 MPH Storm and a gritty crime drama, 11 Seconds. He is writer and director of Persecuted, produced with Gray Frederickson (The Godfather and Apocalypse Now). Daniel and his family live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
This is one of those books that will have you on the edge of your seat wondering what in the world could happen next. It was a book that was eerily familiar as we see what is happening in our country today and it made the book hard to read from that point of view because I could see that this could become our future if we don't start doing something right now!
John Luther is a well known pastor who stands on Biblical principles and when he won't go along with something his friend, the Senator, wants him to, he finds himself the victim of persecution in the way of a set up that makes him look guilty of many things, including murder. It's horrifying how the whole thing is set up and how they use this man's good heart to do it.
I really liked the character of Monica Luther as she stands with her husband despite all the allegations. She has an inner strength that becomes apparent as the book goes on.
It's really evil what is done to this man's family and friends because he refuses to stand on Biblical principles and not go along with what this government wants from him. He, himself, is tortured in ways that are just horrible and make you cringe as he is emotionally and physically spent.
This book is based on the movie, of the same name, that will be out in theaters in July. This book was well written and really kept your heart beating with all that was going on. It's also very eye-opening because even though it is a work of fiction, it is easy to realize that this very thing could happen at any time to us! I am giving this book 5 out of 5 stars.
*This book was provided to me for my honest review by Bethany House Publishers
Blessings - Julie
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