Do you dare to dream? If so, you
are a results-oriented person. Dream is designed to help you both transform
your own life and contribute to making the world a better place. Dreaming is
something you do—or should do.
You were created to create, and
your ability to dream is paramount and fundamental when it comes to living a
dream-come-true life. Dream will help you design a life that is the highest
expression of your purpose by creating dreams in every area that matters to
you, both personally and professionally.
This book will help you take real
steps toward creating and achieving the dreams that matter to you most. It will
help you to uncover, or recover, your purpose so that you can live with
purpose—and there’s nothing that will bring you greater fulfillment.
Reading this book will help you
to fully understand:
• Who you really are
• How you want your life to be
• How to develop dreams that
inspire you
• How to look at your life with a
fresh perspective
• How to remove fear, doubt, or
other obstacles
• How to implement shortcuts and
the techniques you will learn
Dream will teach you exactly how
to do these and so much more.
Dream University’s CEO, Marcia
Wieder is a long established thought leader on visionary thinking. As Founder
of The Meaning Institute, she teaches people to create and live fulfilling
lives. She’s been a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, writes for
Huffington Post and is the author of 14 books. She appeared often on Oprah and
was featured in her own PBS-TV show called Making Your Dreams Come True.
She has taught at Stanford’s
Business School and as president of the National Association of Women Business
Owners, she assisted 3 U.S. presidents. She is a member of the Transformational
Leadership Council and on the advisory board for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
1. What obstacles did you have to
overcome to fulfill your own dreams?
Like anyone, the fear of the
unknown has stopped me in the past. But mostly, it motivated me to create a
doubt removal system allowing me to demonstrate that I more committed to my
dreams than to doubt fears or reality. I have learned to become comfortable
with uncertainty and frankly, we live in times where everything is uncertain.
Learning how to surrender or go more with the flow, and trusting life at a
higher level has really helped me navigate through unforeseen challenges and
2. How much time each day do you
devote to your writing?
I don't write every day but
rather when something is moving through me. Even when I have a simple idea or
thread I will use my recording device on my iPhone and capture the thought.
Since sometimes I "talk to think" this is where I often get some of
my best content. I do not have a daily writing practice currently.
3. How did you decide what your
dreams were? Had they been long held dreams?
I have learned to define a dream
as something that matters to me and because of that I always have personal and
professional dreams that I am exploring. I had a discernment practice for many
years of saying no to anything that didn't make me happy or feel aligned with
my heart. That allows me to create a tremendous amount of space and time in my
life. This then lead to greater clarity on what I really do want or my dreams.
Dreams that I had in my early years are very different than the ones that I
have now. Early on it was a lot about ambition and accomplishment but now it's
more about service and contribution. Not an easy path to navigate, but a
meaningful and rewarding one.
Thank you so much for taking the
time to answer my questions, Marcia! I know my readers are going to enjoy
getting to know you even better and be inspired by your answers.
Dream is a book that made me think of my dreams and goals in a whole new way. Each chapter builds upon the next to help you focus in on what you really want in your life and then she gives you the tools to help you achieve this.
Part of these tools are questions and identifying statements that help you really identify what you really want and how to get there. She also shares things that we tell ourselves that create negative emotions and thoughts and how to avoid doing this. There are positive statements that we can replace these negative thoughts with. I really liked the exercises that she has for us to accomplish as I was able to apply them to my own dreams and goals and make them work for me.
The greatest thing I came away with is that it's never too late for us to achieve our dreams! As I get older, sometimes I think that it's too late to do certain things, but through Marcia's direction, I'm now excited and believe that there's nothing that can stop me - not even my age. We all tend to make excuses for why we don't make those steps toward our goals and I really liked that Marcia addressed these excuses and gave the reasons for why they really aren't valid.
This book was easily read and understood and I loved the personal stories sprinkled throughout. They were very motivational and inspired me. If you have a dream you would like to achieve, this book will help you identify, process, and work toward that dream and have you believing you can do it. This was one of the best books on goal and dream achieving I've ever read and I highly recommend it to anyone that has a dream. Really, that's probably all of us. Great book you'll really enjoy!
*This book was provided to me for my honest review by iRead Book Tours
Blessings - Julie
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