Monday, April 3, 2017

Book Review - Lost & Found


Kendra Fletcher, homeschooling mom of eight, had it all "right," until it all fell apart. In the course of eighteen months, Kendra found her baby in a coma, ran over her five-year-old, and nearly lost her eight-year-old to a septic ruptured appendix.

Lost and Found is the story of how God used those events to transform her family's self-righteous religion into freedom in Christ.

Fletcher's debut book is the gripping true story of how God used suffering to save her family from empty religion. As wave after wave of crisis hit, the Fletchers discovered that getting religion "right" wasn't a good substitute for a living relationship with a loving God. Through their suffering, they learned about misplaced identities and false hope, and they threw themselves wholly into the arms of Jesus-where they found the grace they needed.

Fletcher, a well-known writer and conference speaker in Christian homeschooling circles, addresses the quiet legalism that so easily infiltrates Christian communities and exposes the dangers of focusing our hopes on the "right" ways of worship, work, and family life. More than a memoir,
Lost and Found invites all of us to give up the things that hold us in bondage and find our value, worth, significance, hope, and identity in Christ alone.


Kendra Fletcher writes on faith and education for a variety of publications, including her blog. She is also a frequent speaker at homeschooling conventions, but she spends most of her time with her very large family. The Fletchers reside in California, where they play in the Pacific Ocean as often as possible.

Find out more about Kendra at


I found this book compelling and eye opening. It made me take a hard look at my own "rules and regulations" of Christianity and had me examining my relationship with Jesus in a good way.

I could relate to Kendra's life in a lot of ways. As a former homeschooling Mom (I graduated my two children), I remember well how easy it was to fall into the rules of do's and don'ts associated with homeschooling. For us, it was still a great choice, but it definitely brought about a more legalistic walk with the Lord for our family and other families in our group.

Kendra shares a very difficult period of her life when she has one traumatic experience after another. It's while she is going through one such experience that she has a light-bulb moment of clarity about her own walk with the Lord. She realizes that they have not been living with Jesus as their Savior. As she said, they were arguing the minute theologies of Christianity rather than living in His grace.

In difficult situations or traumas of life, Kendra points out that there is no substitution for a real relationship with Jesus. You can try and be the best you that you can be, but without Jesus in the center of that, it means you're trying to work everything out yourself instead of having the true faith that carries us through even the hardest of circumstances.

This book was a quick read and yet it is faith changing. I loved how open and honest she was and really feel like she became a good friend by the end of the book. This is an excellent book and I give it 5 out of 5 stars.

*This book was provided to me for my honest review by LitFuse Publicity Group

Blessings - Julie

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