Friday, September 11, 2015

Book Review - The Pursuit of God


To have found God and still to pursue Him is a paradox of love, scorned indeed by the too-easily-satisfied religious person, but justified in happy experience by the children of the burning heart. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux stated this holy paradox in a musical four-line poem that will be instantly understood by every worshipping soul:

We taste Thee, O Thou Living Bread,
And long to feast upon Thee still:
We drink of Thee, the Fountainhead
And thirst our souls from Thee to fill.

Come near to the holy men and women of the past and you will soon feel the heat of their desire after God. Let A. W. Tozer’s pursuit of God spur you also into a genuine hunger and thirst to truly know God.


Among the more than 40 books that he authored, at least two are regarded as Christian classics: The Pursuit of God andThe Knowledge of the Holy. His books impress on the reader the possibility and necessity of a deeper relationship with God.


I had read this book a long time ago and it was so refreshing to read it again. It is a timeless book that speaks to the heart of every man and woman who is in the pursuit of God. This edition has been updated so is easier to read and understand.

I was amazed as I read The Pursuit of God as it seemed like it had been written today.  Sometimes we forget that the troubles of man never change and that the things we're seeing today have been seen before. Not only that, but the heart of man is always looking for an answer and it is the pursuit of God and the relationship with God that fulfills us.

So many in the church are not being fed the Word of God. As Miilton says, "The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed." So many of our churches are feeding us milk and platitudes when what we need is meat and something substantial.

Tozer gives us so much in this little book in teaching us how to grow closer to the Lord. How to get more out of our time that we spend with the Lord. He inspires us to long for the Lord, and in that longing, to spend the quality time in getting to know him and be in a true relationship with Him.

This book has ignited the soul fires for me again. I highly recommend this book as it will grow your relationship with God and give you a fire for that pursuit of Him! I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.

*This book was provided to me by the publisher Aneko Press

You can get a free copy of the ebook HERE!!

Blessings - Julie


  1. "He inspires us to long for the Lord, and in that longing, to spend the quality time in getting to know him and be in a true relationship with Him."

    I like that, you hit the nail on the head. Thank you Julie!


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